Interdisciplinary thinking with Tomas Peña from iBio and Luis Martí from Inria Chile.
3 ERIS PhD students developing new tools.
Patricia inspiring both children and adults.
New painting "Cambios" in School "Pasionistas Quilpué" and donation of Fosiles del cosmos books.
Paula and Rob at King's College Cambridge.
Proud PhD supervisor and proud PhD student.
Danielle's PhD defense, first ERIS PhD thesis in Chile!
New friends from biology in Chile.
ERIS is present in Guadalajara, the largest international book fair in Spanish.
Thanks Escuela Bello Horizonte Lota for the nice recognition about our beautiful collaboration!
The best plan for Nicole during her supervisor's maternity leave is to come to Chile with Rob and fill Paula's office with ideas!
A coffee worth thousands of kilometer travel.
Sara, Nicole and the chilean nature.
With Eris!
Our collective thinking is the best we have.
Happy stellar astrophysicists.
Our simulators.
The ERIS team as of October 2023.
Enjoying the break of the SDSS-V conference to see a bit of New York.
We look forward to finding this girl at the university in the future. She made the best question about measuring stellar temperatures inspired from Fosiles del Cosmos to date!
What are Kurt, Claudia and Alvaro doing? Understanding a plot or shopping for a big computer?
Emanuel and Patricia preparing a simulated galaxy. We need them!
Going for the classical Australian flat white in the ANU campus. Keaghan really has a lot of fun stories to tell!
Hard-core development of our revolutionary theory of stellar phylogenetics!
Paula, Payel and Xia after giving a joint colloquium about our project at the Biology Department of the Australian National University in Canberra.
Nothing better than working with friends. You get to travel, work and enjoy a friendship!
We really love the tokens of the Gen Universal! We are all children afterall!
Sara explaining to kids in Valparaiso that Italy is not as far away as it seems!
We love hanging out with Sense, and Valparaíso is a great place to do so after a visit to one of our Gen Universal schools.
What a coincidence to have 2 observing runs at our dearest place, Las Campanas Observatory!. Sara and Camilla will know about the chemical abundances of the Sagitarius galaxy, and Scarlet and Kurt will test the japanese infrared spectrograph WINERED installed in the 6.5m Magellan Telescope!
Jenny, Paula, Danielle and Anell in the Annual meeting of the Chilean Astronomical Society in temuco, March, 2023.
Plenary talk about ERIS in the Annual meeting of the Chilean Astronomical Society in Temuco March, 2023.
Anell Cornejo explaining her work at the Annual meeting of the Chilean Astronomical Society in Temuco, March, 2023.
An unique moment shared with members of the ERIS Millenium Nucleus, Sense Contents and the Agatha group of Universidad Diego Portales at a casino in the Universidad la Frontera, Temuco.
Paula and Evelyn visiting Eris, the race dog who inspired, among other things, the name of this Millennium Nucleus.
Xia's ideas on chemical evolution on the board.
Danielle and Keaghan living the pandemic dream of meeting and going to the Australian coast!
Having a coffee in person for the first time after two years of zoom meetings! So exciting!
Xia makes models for evolutionary processes of all kinds. This one is for speciation and was presented in the Australasian Evolutionary Society meeting.
Best student talk in Australasian Evolutionary Society meeting. Proud that the student spends time contributing to ERIS!
Astronomy in Australasian Evolutionary Society conference. Paula presenting ERIS project to biologists.
A unique moment of exploring a forest with a biologist
The ERIS team as of October 2022. We're already a lot of minds thinking on this project!
Danielle and Jenny analysing trees from simulated galaxies and enjoying the process of learning.
The director of ERIS and the director of Sense proud of the first year of collaboration which culminates with this beautiful painting at a school in Lota.
A student with background in mathematics (Kurt) and a postdoc with background in genetics (Camilla) discussing cosmic trees. Truly interdisciplinary work!
Platform to shoot bottle rockets to the sky. Made and designed by Sense Contens, with a special dedicated marking of ERIS and its educational programme, Gen Universal.
ERIS core team (Patricia Tissera, Paula Jofre, Alvaro Rojas) alongside with the artist Piero Maturana becoming wet and satisfied all the same. The background is Piero's ERIS funded painting called "El Asombro".
Chemical evolution is the key! Patricia Tissera, Rob Yates and Chiaki Kobayashi greeting ERIS from Catania, Italy.
Paula Jofre just satisfied
Evelyn Johnston slowly returning from maternity leave
ERIS team in Santiago, Sept 2022.
Developing new knowledge at UDP
Sara Vitali practicing her qualification exam talk with the eris team
Rob Foley explaining to Payel Das about human evolution at LCHES, Cambridge, UK. Many ideas about stellar phylogenies were born by learning about evolution from Rob in this institute in 2016.
Keaghan Yaxley, Camilla Eldridge, Gerry Gilmore, Robert Foley and Payel Das standing on a typical street of downtown Cambride during the first in-person meeting after 2 years of zoom meetings discussing stellar phylogenies.
Clare Worley, Camilla Eldridge, Keaghan Yaxley and Rob Yates leaving the Observatory building from the Institute of Astronomy from Cambridge University, UK, fully energized after an exciting science discussion.
Camilla Eldridge and Payel Das going over tree types at a meeting in Surrey University, UK.
Sara Vitali observing. Projected in the big screen is the view of the sky through the SOAR Observatory at Cerro Tololo, and the image of the camera’s field of view.
Danielle de Brito Silva and Kacper Mielniczuk evaluating the position of the target for data acquisition.
Danielle de Brito Silva reconnecting with her PhD in Las Campanas Observatory after 2 years working from home due to Pandemic.
Patricia Tissera explaining the fundamental concepts of chemical evolution.
Danielle de Brito silva explaining one of her tests of trees in numerical simulations.
Cristina Bazan from WeLab telling a story to motivate children with the scientific method in San Rafael school Valparaiso as part of genuniversal programme.
First gathering of ERIS and Sense teams in Concepción.
First contact with school San Pedro Nolasco in Conception for genuniversal programme. Jenny Gonzalez telling kids about her experience with working with people from different countries.
Release of public book Fosiles del cosmos written by Paula Jofre, and opening of ERIS project.