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We’re accepting postdoc applications!

The “Millennium Nucleus for the Evolutionary Reconstruction of the InterStellar medium” (ERIS) invites applications for two 2-year postdoctoral positions in Santiago, Chile, with possible extension depending on funding.  The first position is to work on galactic chemical evolution and galaxy mergers,  and the second position is to work on stellar populations of the Milky Way. The postdocs will be affiliated to either the Astronomy Nucleus of Universidad Diego Portales (UDP) or the Astrophysics Institute of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC). The expected start date is September 2022 but it is negotiable. 

ERIS has been recently granted 3 years of funding by the Government of Chile to support the emerging field of “cosmic phylogenies” in which the powerful tool of building and interpreting phylogenetic trees in biology is implemented to reconstruct the history of galaxy formation through the chemical evolution of the interstellar medium.  ERIS provides an environment where experts in astronomy, mathematics and biology collaborate and train students and postdocs in this new research topic.  More information about ERIS and specific ongoing projects can be found in the dedicated website www.nucleomilenioeris.cl 

Interested candidates with a PhD in astrophysics and experience in galaxy evolution using numerical or observational tools, especially those with a focus on the Milky Way, are particularly encouraged to apply. Other candidates with expertise in building  or interpreting phylogenetic trees with a PhD in evolutionary studies are also strongly encouraged to apply. Once an ERIS member, the candidates will become full members of the corresponding Universities (UDP or PUC) and therefore will be eligible to access the observing facilities in Chile. 

Applications should be submitted by email in a single pdf document to the address opportunities@nucleomilenioeris.cl  under the subject “ERIS postdoc application” by March 15, 2022 to ensure full consideration. They should include a brief cover letter (1-page), research statement (max. 2 pages; including current and previous research and a research plan to contribute to ERIS), and a CV (with a publication list).  In addition, applicants should provide the names and contact information of 3 references willing to provide letters of recommendation on request. Applicants might feel free to get in contact with Paula Jofré (paula.jofre@mail.udp.cl) and Patricia Tissera (patricia.tissera@uc.cl) for further enquiries.

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