Millennium Nucleus for the
Evolutionary Reconstruction of the InterStellar medium (ERIS)
Project description
ERIS applied one of the principles of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution – descent with modification – to cosmic evolution.
With ERIS we had the objective of reconstructing the evolution of galaxies like the Milky Way using phylogenetic trees, which are already extensively used in other evolutionary studies for biology. Since trees are mathematical structures and graphs, with ERIS we are consolidated an interdisciplinary collaboration between astronomers, biologists and mathematicians, in order to achieve our goal. We focused on reconstructing the evolution of the Milky Way, because this is the best laboratory but we aimed at moving to extragalactic astronomy, by building and interpreting phylogenetic trees that were appropriate for astronomical data. To do so, we simulated the evolution of galaxies, where we knew their shared history. We also used observed data, which allowed us to learn to explore the Milky Way, and ultimately helped us to constrain the theory of galaxy evolution.
Phylogenetic signal in spectroscopic surveys. One of the main motivations to generate large spectroscopic surveys
What do phylogenetic trees tell us about the merging history of the Milky Way? Building
Cosmic phylogeny from first principles. Fossil data is extremely imperfect. In addition to limited and
En el marco del Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia, Paula Jofré y Patricia Tissera reflexionan sobre …
El proyecto ERIS se ha convertido en una referencia tanto por sus aportes científicos como por su enfoque formativo. A través del …
El proyecto ERIS marca un hito en la ciencia contemporánea al reunir expertos de diferentes disciplinas y países para abordar los desafíos …