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Pristine Inner Galaxy Survey (PIGS) IX. The largest detailed chemical analysis of very metal-poor stars in the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy This paper is the result of a collaboration between ERIS and Pristine. Sara Vitali, one of our PhD students, came to Chile because she wants to see how with phylogenetic techniques we can learn about […]

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L3: Chemical Evolution Modeling

To understand the impact on phylogenetic trees regarding the role of the various chemicalelements, semi-analytical models of chemical evolution are analyzed. These models includeFlex-CE or L-Galaxies, which take into account the non-linear evolution of a structure in acosmological framework and introduce the physics of baryons by using a set of recipeswhose free parameters are chosen

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L2: Cosmological Galaxy Formation Simulations

This research line aims to use computational simulations of galaxy evolution (such as [Patricia’s simulation] and L-Galaxies) to study the physical processes that occur throughout the life of galaxies, particularly focusing on the Milky Way. We are particularly interested in the chemical evolution of baryons as galaxies form, including enrichment processes from Type Ia &

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L1: Stellar Spectral Analysis

We develop methods to determine chemical composition in stars. ERIS attributes the chemical abundances imprinted in stellar atmospheres as the heritable marker for the phylogenetic signal of galaxy evolution. The problem of determining stellar atmospheric parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity, overall metallicity, etc), and subsequently determining individual chemical abundances, is complex. Despite the rapid development

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ERIS in Australia 

To finish the year, In December 2022, ERIS members managed to meet in the last country where we’re based: Australia. We had the chance to mingle and work!  Paula Jofre, the ERIS director, travelled as part of the “Mt. Stromlo Distinguished visitor programme”, which invites researchers from abroad to visit the Australian National University (ANU).

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Workshop Gaia Benchmark stars

The Núcleo Milenio ERIS, together with the European Southern Observatory (ESO) hosted a workshop entitled “Extending the Gaia Benchmark stars” throughout November. From the 14th until the 18th of the last month and thanks to the collaboration between Ditte Slumstrup and Paula Jofré, it was possible to bring together a team of experts to work

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